Our company was established to realize “Design Garbage Containers,produce high quality products,sales over world”. Our policy in the realization of these works;
* Our employees are our strength.We provide innovation education and research activities with our employees.
* We follow Quality and environmental management system requirements to maximize the customer satisfaction .
* To meet the expectations of our customers in the best way by continuously improving the quality of our products,
* Keeping our waste production at the lowest level with environmentalist our managers and employess.
* To improve recyling.
* Keep to balance consumption of energy with high tech machines .
* By following Requirements for management standards to control every step to improve day by day.
* To work and produce with occupational safety policy and national legislation and regulations,
* Minimize the risk about occupational health and safety in order to prevent injuries and health deterioration to provide an ergonomic, healthy and safe work environment
* The lack of occupational accidents during our activities is essential. To prepare emergency action plans in order to minimize damage in case of possible accidents. Despite having professional knowledge of employees to constantly renew their knowledge through professional development training.